I love my life!
I love how complicated my mind are.doing the thinkings and making decisions
I love the feeling after I made my decisions
I love how every hurdle lead me to another big suprise
I love how i feel helpless during time, when effort seems to contribute nothing
I love my friends and my family
my big family,my small family, my siblings,my in bracket family,,in bracket siblings,sisters and anyone i meet,met and be friend with
oh I love my life and my destiny.
Allah,u sure have much more suprise ahead kan?
I just have to be a little bit patient,and do my solah more often.
And above all,I just have to have faith in u,that all the destiny are bringing me closer to u.not further from u
because after all,u are the MOST GRACIOUS and the MOST MERCIFUL right?
oh I love my life and I know, I love U.and I hope I will always do
(bcoz even death can"t break us apart =))
Hai orang-orang yang berfirman, mintalah pertolongan (kepada Allah) dengan sabar dan shalat, sesungguhnya Allah beserta orang-orang yang sabar.” (2: 153).