Monday, May 16, 2011

catatan 14.5 dan 15.5


started with a conference
ended with hugs

subhanallah i can`t thank ALLAH enough for the nikmat given.
we started with  food as always,ended the usrah with sleep.
i never thought they could giggly happily making fun of each other,but yes they can..
its the matter of time dear sis..
sabar,be patient,give what u shoud give..

kadang2 kita terlalu meremehkan adik adik tu,sedangkan dia boleh lebih dari itu
dan kadang2 kite rasa die mampu,tapi sebenarnya die xmampu pun..

so what`s the secret for the rigth answer?sudah tentu firasat org mukmin yg ALLAH bg pada hamba hamba Nya..
doesnt this thing make us closer to ALLAH=)

the superlong lostplace.
dah lama nak pergi tapi selalu je ada halangan.sampai sahaja syaitan mula membisik prasangka

hati mula berubah rasa

lesson learned no1
no matter how much they have changed their feeling towards u,never change yours!from the first time u have make up your mind to touch them n to guide them n to show them the beauty of Islam,
never change your feeling towards them no matter what happen
no matter what happen
no matter what happen
even the slightest rejection!

n i went there..i met them.


lesson learned no2
they have never changed
they are still the same innocent adik yg kamu kenal dahulu
tapi kamulah yang berubah
perhatian kamu yang berubah
keikhlasan kamu berubah..
lalu kerana itu,kamu rasa adik itu sgt jauh..sedang sebenarnya die sangat dekat..

tak da ape yg berubah
hanya hati dan keikhlasan kamu yg berubah..

demi ALLAH..demi siapa kamu mencintai adik itu pada mulanya?
demi semnagat nya atau demi ALLAH?

-tamat kisah.pulang ke rumah,disambut nasi lemak yg sedap tidak terkata..-
alhamdulillah subhanallah..ALLAH love is everywhere..but my love n deeds towards HiM,is nowhere..

lesson learned from aboved
setiap adik,xda satu pun yang nak menjauh..its just the matter of time,the matter of your doa,the matter of your supprot,the matter of love dan ukhwah..

the moment they agreed to receive u as naqibah,that is the moment they r giving u their heart n soul,to be guided n to be shown the right way..with love..

1 comment:

atiqahmki said...

subhanallah, sgt menggugah jiwa! walhamdulillah, sgt membantu diri ini sendiri. barakallahufeek.