Thursday, September 3, 2015

Expectation kills

Expectation kills
how many times i've remind myself.but yet,i still expect from others.

it kills
it leads to frustration and leads to a so no wise actions

don't expect from people.
do your job
if they don't want to do it,do yours,no comment,keep it to yourself
Allah is looking and He is never cruel
always loving and knows the best

I'm in no time going to give birth to the second child soon
This time around,during maryam's birth,I'm not working,less stress
Happier life

But now,I'm working,and the stress is piling up
New sem,new subject and new students
preparation for the maternity leave.
Balancing life between work,a mother and a wife

Quite stressfull

Because I expect
I expect people to help me alot because I'm heavily pregnant
But no.people dont know how u tired you are.
How stress u are
Only u and Allah knows.

So stop expecting people to help
To give ways
Because the simply dont know

Be strong, do things u did like u wasnt pregnant
Ask Allah for continue this life

ya Allah,make it easy this time
give me strength to cater all the responsibility
help me to expect less.or yes
no expectation is better.

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