Wednesday, January 11, 2017

supplement during pregnancy

To take supplement or to not taking supplements?

 Been reading some articles about taking supplement. I'm not a supplement girl all this while. I dont believe in them actually. I choose to go natural .eat a lot of fruits,vege, and clean diet(no processed,canned food or fast food)

 But Allah has bestowed me with a child suffering from severe eczema a little while ago and still has flare sometimes when I have my craving period and eat all those cakes/sweet/fastfood and the meat and beef that he is allergic to(he's a full breastfeeding baby).
During the severe eczema period, I've taken some supplement and still continuing in hoping for the best skin condition for him and the best nutrient for his body. And along the way, I got pregnant and have my miscarriage..
I'm wondering does this supplement is the cause?because apparently the reason for the miscarriage is something common said the doctor..maybe because of chromosomal abnormalities...
I have 2 babies previously on the note.Obviously it's not because of my uterus etc...

I'm just wondering.does this is because of all those antioxidant I ate for nu'man?or because of overdose of supplement hahaha But seriously I dont eat much. I have some VCO,almanna and baobab in the morning, and vitamin C 1 capsule + Omega guard 1 capsule.
sometimes I'll alternate with calcium.When the skin condition is not so good,I'll up the dose of Vitamin C with 2 capsule and eat more garlics....

But nowadays I rarely eat VCO+almanna+baobab because I'm a lazy bump. I eat vitamin C occasionally only when I'm in the office and I had my breakfast earlier..I eat multivitamin sometimes and calcium alternately.
If I had my holiday, I wont eat all those vitamin because they are in my office. I got an advice earlier, make sure our body have "the rest" period from all those supplement occasionally...

let say 2 weeks without them and continue...
because u dont want to burden your kidney with all those supplement everyday.
Even u have drink plenty of water.
Try google water toxicity..
 In a everything moderate.

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