Saturday, June 20, 2009


it`s 2.21am..
mate dh pent..
not because of sebb dok bace blog org hahaha
kdg2 aku pk..
this blog-hopping things..
let say one day aku jumpe org tu,doesn`t it feel wierd?
org yg sepatutnye kite ckp tentnag bisness(cnth je..).. yg sepatutnye kite berkenalan hanya di kenduri kahwin kawan..
tibe2 kite tau every single little thing about her..
what she likes n what she don`ts...
who`s her ex,n what she was doing last week..
pasti pelik.

padahal,org tu bukannye tau pun kite dok bce psl die sbb kite hanyelah c silent reader.
kalau org tu org yg kite leh mix up with..xmustahil la kite akan tgur n say..
eh,aku bace blog ko r...n then gelak2..n blablabla

tp kalau org tu org yg bukn jenis2 org yg kite leh mix up?
maksudnye..kite suke bce blog kite tau,untuk berbual depan2 mungkin adelah mustahil to think that ape yg akan d borakkan tentulah xde point...

erm..pelik2.dunia semakin plik bile dunia semakin tanpa batasan..

in other hand...
keep thing to yourself n stop gossiping.stop talking about others.
that doesn`t make u better than her.
u r not in her shoes.
kita xkan paham kenape ade org yg bole buat cmni,n xleh benti je.
kite xkan paham.sbb kite x di besarkan mcm mane cre org tu d besarkan.
we don`t hav the same circle of frens...

kdg2 ade manusia yg senang je nk tolak kejahatan sbb dr kecik die di didik begitu.
kadang2 ade manusia perlukan semngt,tekad,azam,sokongn yg begitu kuat untuk tolak kejahatan yg org len tengok, sgt mudah untuk di tolak...
bersyukur lah kita berada di dalam kebaikan.dan doa kanlah kebaikan buat saudara kita tersebut.

keep condeming don`t make u any better.

--didn`t i told u that this blog is called a reminder for me?