Monday, October 4, 2010

life is simple?

i always make simple things become complicated
how i think
how i take things
how i manage
and howni howtu howla~

but sometime i takes thing too easy.
daijinakoto wo,raku ni shite shimatta for no reason

howla howla howla kan...

dlu siap ade motto,life is simple.nth ape2..

but is not that simple dear miss.even to have a sesuap nasi u have to cook for it now.u have to think about what lauk suits u today,and u have to find the best ingredients.but when the outcome is not as what u imagined,should u throw?should you telan it with all the appetite left?

what what what..what should u do?
never cook the same lauk,n try for the other?or give your best on the same lauk for tomorrow and the next day and the next day...........?


we dont have that much time to just focus on the same lauk about tukar pade lauk lain?in the same time find recipes yg paling senang untuk lauk yg sama,yg review die sume best2.n jgn cipta resipi sniri sbb it`ll become worst!!!

saje merepek.lauk masak lemak sayur xsedap langsung td.not as what i imagined and to make things worst is kicap dh xde.the best remedy for all the worst lauk...

but ok la kan dpt makan dari org yg xde makanan langsung..

tp biase akan hargai bende bile dh we appreciate our mum`S cook even for a telur goreng kicap during time like this huhuhu

---ayat last ngn yg len mcm xmasuk.sebnrnye rindu kan?huhuh.rindu.selmt malam.

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