I know there are many mothers out there that are more experience in sharing things like this than me.
But i feel like sharing so nak baca bacalah taknak boleh scroll muahahaha Just because I need to write but my mind isn't working good enough to write any better sharing hahahaha
So how did I go through my days?
(Another 15 days left)
1. I don't think too much. If you think too much u'll get exhausted of thinking and frustated too..
Bila anak menangis, jgn sibuk fikir apa dia nak, just hug
Esok nk g kerja jam berapa nk bangun, mandi budak, masak breakfast or beli, brg apa nak beli etc
Eventhough you are not happy at work, make your self happy before coming home.
Cakes, treats etc doesn't make you happy. It'll make u crancky afterward. Allah makes you happy. Ask from HIM.
Talk always to yourself..
Saff, budak tu balik sekolah penat, they miss you, they are boring, they wants to play, that's why expect some crankiness from them after 6 ok.
U want to do activity with them, just do.
U want to eat out just do
U want to go to the playground just go(they love it and tempat paling susah dia nak meragam)
Back to number 1, Don't think too much
Kalau jatuh cmne, kalau parking jauh cmne, kalau hujan mcm mana, lecehnya nak bawak air bagai.
(Sis pun mmg jd rimau jugak muahahaha we are human but when we keep on reminding ourself, then insya Allah, Allah helps)
Rumah mak ayah sis 5minit je tp weekdays by maghrib dh balik rumah and weekend mmg tak pergi sana sbb tak nak kacau weekend diorang unless ada event(kenduri etc)
And I think they behave better when i'm alone.
To all PJJ mothers, you are awesome!
*Kalau perasan yang belakang tu tgh bukak baju
Dia main tukar2 baju dengan kakak dalam kereta. Whatever janji happy.